Publishing Process
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Publishing Process

Our process helps foster mutual clarity on expectations, delivery and timeline.

Consultation & Registration

The first step is to get in touch with us to share your plan and to understand how TWAGAA can help you realize your potential. Do check our services, our process, and FAQs. You can mail us by sharing your details or query in the form.

Finalising a Plan

On receiving your mail, we will get in touch with you to resolve all your queries and to help formulate the best plan for you from the multiple services we have. We will also provide you the road map for the delivery ahead, along with an estimate of the fees that will be charged for our services.

Sharing Assets

After understanding the road ahead and setting the expectations, submit your assets – manuscript, illustrations, designs, photographs, etc. We will review all assets and share the final agreement and proforma invoice for the advance fee with you. On receiving the signed agreement and advance fee from you, we will share the final signed agreement and tax invoice, and begin working on your book. At all times hereafter, we will be available to resolve your queries over email and phone call.

Designing & Formatting

We will work on your book and prepare the delivery of services as per the agreement between us. Depending on the service(s) being availed, we will be engaged with you on an ongoing basis or simply deliver the first draft to you within the agreed timeline. We will be in contact with you regularly during this phase to resolve queries that we may have during the course of execution.

Review and Approval

After we have designed your book, we will share the PDF files with you for review. Post iterations for changes, we will seek your approval to go to the next stage for finally publishing your work and listing it on various marketplaces.

When we receive approval to take the book live, we share an invoice for the balance fee. On receiving the full payment, we list your book in the multiple distribution channels as agreed in the agreement.

Pre-launch, Launch, Distribution & Fulfilment

After confirming from you, the book will be forwarded for printing and distribution to worldwide platforms as paperback and eBook. We will help you with fulfillment for small as well as bulk orders.

Marketing & Promotions

We will develop marketing content for your book and brand. Be it having an author or brand website, you can rely on us. Simultaneously, we will introduce you to our associates who will help manage your social media handles and digital content & engagement. At any time, so long as you have been published by TWAGAA, we will be available to consult for your ongoing needs with your book or brand.

Please note that we DO NOT do active marketing in-house on an ongoing basis for any of our authors, books, or brands, however, we will introduce you to the right resources and people or companies to help you with marketing.

Royalities & Support

It is our resolve to share royalties with our authors in a fair and prompt manner. We will share details of how we calculate royalties for various distribution options so that you are aware of the royalties earned on each unit or bulk sale. We share the details of the calculation before we sign the agreement so that any vagueness in semantics and jargon is cleared in advance, and the expectation of royalty earrings is absolute.

Are you ready? We’re with you.

Queries? Contact us and we’ll help you.

    Your name

    Your email

    Your Country

    Your mobile number (optional)


    Your query in detail

    Convenient date to contact you
    (We take Sunday off so please do not mention a Sunday.)

    Convenient time to contact you
    (IST - Indian Standard Time)

    10:00 - 12:00 hours12:00 - 14:00 hours16:00 - 18:00 hours

    Open chat
    Hello! How can I help you?

    Queries? Contact us right away.

      Your name

      Your email

      Your Country

      Your mobile number (optional)


      Your query in detail

      Convenient date to contact you
      (We take Sunday off so please do not mention a Sunday.)

      Convenient time to contact you
      (IST - Indian Standard Time)

      10:00 - 12:00 hours12:00 - 14:00 hours16:00 - 18:00 hours