Book Publishing Details
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Book Publishing

We help you become a published author.

We provide end-to-end support for book publishing.


When you decide to publish your work, it helps greatly to have a comprehensive overview of the traditional and self-publishing industries. We update you on the details of this overview so that you have reasonably good clarity before submitting your manuscript to a publisher.

Know more...

  • How does the industry work?
  • What are the options available to you?
    • Traditional Publishing
    • Self Publishing (by self)
    • Self Publishing (by a publisher)
  • Which option works best for your needs?
  • What all you may do independently?
  • Where will you need assistance?
    • Full publishing
    • Design
    • Printing
    • Distribution
    • Marketing
    • Post Publish Management (PPM)
  • How to manage the whole life cycle of your book?
  • How to manage your brand?
  • What all to remember once your work is published?

…and Many more such fundamentals.


We enhance your understanding of your work by aligning it with industry standards, aiding in the identification of key specifications that set your work apart for the right audience. Our guidance extends to managing rights and delegations, prioritizing your best interests throughout the process.

Know more...

  • What are your Rights as a creator?
  • Which Rights to outsource and delegate?
  • What are the industry standards for Rights?
  • What are the optimal book specs for your book?
  • Which design parameters to ensure?
  • Where is all the distribution of my book?
  • How much does it typically cost to print books?
  • How can you manage inventory?
  • How to decide on print specification and run?
  • How to manage fulfillment?
  • How to calculate Royalty?
  • How to get more Royalty per sale?
  • Should your book be translated into multiple languages?
  • Does your book require covers?
  • Is multiple book editions fruitful?

…and more


Understanding the intricacies of the publishing industry and aligning your book accordingly provides clarity on its design requirements. With over two decades of experience crafting content for diverse sectors, we offer the expertise and skills your book deserves, ensuring it stands out effectively.

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  • Inside Pages Design
    • Basic
    • Premium
  • Book Cover Design
    • Basic
    • Premium
  • Book Cover Design (Advanced)
    • Jacket Design
    • Case Design
    • Special Treatment (UV, Foiling) Design
  • Supporting Design Services
    • Inside Pages Illustrations
    • Cover Illustrations
    • Inside Page Graphics, Tables, etc.
  • Book Graphics Treatments
    • Touch up
    • Manipulations
    • Cut-outs
  • Customized Design for Special books e.g. pop-ups, children’s books, etc.

Regardless of your language proficiency, a manuscript requires basic editing. We proofread manuscripts for grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence flow, and consistency in the author’s writing style. The proofing process occurs twice, after submission and after the design is completed.

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  • Editing (Before Design)
    • Basic
    • Advanced
  • Proofing
    • Before Design
    • After Design

After crafting your book, we aid in formatting it for digital release as an eBook and in print as either Paperback or Hardcover editions. We adhere to the industry standards and facilitate distribution across diverse channels while meeting the unique requirements of each channel.

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  • eBook conversion
    • ePub format
    • Mobi format
    • Flowable conversion
    • Non-flowable conversion
  • Print-readiness
    • For paperback inside pages
    • For hardcover inside pages
    • For paperback cover
    • For hardcover cover
    • Jacket cover
    • Case cover
    • Special treatment files
  • Open files packaging
    • Inside pages
    • Cover pages

…and more


When your book is ready, we facilitate printing in both formats – paperback and hardcover, and any quantity – small batches and in bulk. We offer comprehensive support in dealing with printers, sampling, and in finalizing the final specifications that meet your requirements.

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  • Bulk printing
    • Digital printing for up to 500-750 copies
    • Offset printing for above 500-750 copies
  • Small batch printing (up to 100 copies print-run)
  • On-Demand/Zero-inventory printing (as less as 1 copy can be printed)
  • Stocking
    • Up to 25 copies are stocked with TWAGAA
    • The remaining copies are kept with the creator
    • When TWAGAA inventory runs low, the creator sends another 25 copies to TWAGAA
  • Warehousing
    • We stock 100 or more copies in our godown
    • We stock more than 100 pieces in third-party rental services

We assist creators in distributing their work across various channels, welcoming innovative ideas to expand their patron outreach. When collaborating with us, we guarantee prompt fulfillment, ensuring a seamless process for creators to share their work with a broader audience.

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Depending on how the distribution is planned and inventory is stocked, we have multiple distribution options:

  • Distribution (eBook)
    • Creator’s Amazon KDP account
    • Creator’s IngramSpark account
    • Creator’s Website
    • TWAGAA’s Amazon KDP account
    • TWAGAA’s IngramSpark account
    • TWAGAA’s Website (Expected to go live by Aug-2022)
  • Distribution (Paperback & Hardcover)
    • On-Demand basis from Amazon KDP
    • On-Demand basis from IngramSpark
    • TWAGAA’s Amazon KDP account
    • Creator’s Website
    • TWAGAA’s IngramSpark account
    • TWAGAA’s Website (Expected to go live by Aug-2022)
    • Direct orders to TWAGAA
      • Small orders (Upto 50 copies)
      • Bulk orders (more than 50 copies)
    • Book Distributors
      • We will introduce you to a book distributor who can help you distribute the books. This arrangement will be directly between creator and book distributor with TWAGAA’s involvement in only introduction

TWAGAA also facilitates online order fulfillment received through multiple distribution channels where your book is listed. If any service is beyond our in-house capabilities, then we connect you with experts in our network, thus ensuring your work aligns with your envisioned outcome.

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Subject to how the book is printed (bulk, small-batch, on-demand) and how the book is stocked (with TWAGAA, warehouse, creator), our fulfillment services are planned to cater to all needs.

  • Zero Inventory fulfillment (Print-on-Demand)
    • Your book is printed as and when an order is received.
    • The book is in Print-on-Demand mode for as many quantities as the order requires.
  • Fulfillment managed by TWAGAA end-to-end
    • Few copies are printed and an inventory is kept with TWAGAA.
    • When an order is received, TWAGAA fulfills the order.
  • Drop-Shipping
    • Full inventory is kept with the creator.
    • When an order is received, TWAGAA informs the author.
    • The author dispatches the parcel from their end.

TWAGAA ensures your book’s potential translates to the big screen by connecting you and your books with the right hands. Our partners assist in securing agreements with studios and safeguarding your interests and copyright throughout the transformative journey to the big screen.

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  • We will help you prepare the pitch deck/presentation to the studios and film producers in a format where they understand the potential of your book to become a blockbuster
  • We will introduce you to the best people in the media industry who will push your book to the right studios and film producers
  • When, and if, you need assistance in preparing the script and screenplay, we will introduce you to the specialists
10 \ ADD-ONS

TWAGAA also provides services for the following. For -the services that we do not provide in-house, we will introduce you to the skilled people in our network so that your work meets the desired end.

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  • Translation to any language
  • Ghost-writers
  • Co-writers
  • Marketing Kit Design
  • Author/Book Websites
  • Marketing Managers
  • Social Media Managers

Let us know what else you wish from us.

Are you ready? We’re with you.

Start Your Publishing Journey

    Your name

    Your email

    Which services do you wish for?

    (Multiple selection possible)

    Full PublishingIndustry Know-howBook ConsultancyDesignEditingProofingPackagingPrintingStockingWarehousingDistribution & FulfilmentSerialisation & Film RightsTranslationGhost-WritingCo-WritingMarketingSocial Media ManagementWebsite DevelopmentGraphic DesignIllustrations

    Your Country

    Your mobile number (optional)

    Convenient date to contact you
    (We take Sunday off so please do not mention a Sunday.)

    Convenient time to contact you
    (IST - Indian Standard Time)

    10:00 - 12:00 hours12:00 - 14:00 hours16:00 - 18:00 hours

    Your query or additional inputs
    (e.g. Your website, Social pages, etc.)

    Open chat
    Hello! How can I help you?

    Queries? Contact us right away.

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      Your email

      Regarding Shop or Book Publishing?

      Your Country

      Your mobile number (optional)

      Your query or additional inputs
      (e.g. Your website, Social pages, etc.)

      Convenient date to contact you
      (We take Sunday off so please do not mention a Sunday.)

      Convenient time to contact you
      (IST - Indian Standard Time)

      10:00 - 12:00 hours12:00 - 14:00 hours16:00 - 18:00 hours