Publishing Books
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Publishing Books

Publish Your Book With Us

We turn manuscripts into professionally published books that are printed and distributed worldwide.

Are you tired of contacting publishers and waiting endlessly to hear a ‘Yes’ from them? Or, have you been hearing ‘No’ regularly?

Is the journey of publishing on your own overwhelming you? Are you finding it challenging to design, list online, print, distrbute, and ship orders?

Do you want your book to look classy and professional, be available globally as ebook and in print, and have orders shipped worldwide?

We can help you realize your dreams and potential.

Begin your transformative journey. Here’s why you should take the plunge and self-publish your book:

🎨 Ignite Your Creativity

Whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, or memoir, every word you pen down sparks your imagination and fuels your creative spirit.

📖 Establish Authority

A published book positions you as a thought leader, opening doors to new opportunities and establishing your credibility.

🌐 Reach a Wider Audience

Connect with readers from different backgrounds and cultures, expanding your influence and impact.

🤝 Network and Connect

A book is a timeless legacy that future generations can cherish, ensuring your contributions are remembered.

✍️ Sharpen Your Skills

The process of writing and editing hones your writing skills and enhances your critical thinking, thus ensuring continuous learning and self-improvement.

💰 Earn Additional Income

Published books can generate a steady stream of income through sales, speaking engagements, and other opportunities.

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    Why TWAGAA?

    Book Publishing that’s…

    ⚡ Fast

    🌟 High-quality

    🔍 Transparent

    Book A

    FREE consultation

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      Service & Features

      📚 Premium Self-Publishing
      📖 In ebook and Paperback or Hardcover formats
      ⚡ Quick Turnaround
      📦 Books always in stock, Never out-of-print
      🌍 Worldwide distribution
      💰 Author gets 100% profit
      🔍 Transparent Sales & Royalties
      💲 Author decides the book price
      ©️ Author owns the copyright
      🔢 Author volume discounts
      🖨️ Print-on-Demand
      🔧 Full-Stack & Guided Publishing
      🌟 Lifetime Support

      Together We Are Great, Amazing & Awesome

      At TWAGAA, we specialize in full-stack solutions for book publishing. With a comprehensive suite of skills and know-how, we ensure your book doesn’t just get published; it must also command attention.

      Since our inception in 2020, we’ve published and distributed over 250 books. Our publishing, printing, and distribution, have propelled countless authors toward realising their dreams and potential, where their voices resonate with a larger audience.

      Our team of seasoned editors, skilled designers, professional printers, online distributors, and trained managers, creates a symphony of excellence from inception to fruition. For us, your book is an opportunity to create a ‘masterpiece’.

      Let your book transcend boundaries and captivate minds.

      We love to help creative people.


      Are you wondering how to proceed? We’re happy to help, even if you’re not a customer.

      Contact us and we’ll chat — or get back to you as soon as we can.

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        I've completed writing my book...

        I wish to publish my book for...


        If dedication is TWAGAA's first name, then honesty is their second name.
        TWAGAA's personalised service is what differentiates them from other publishers.

        Team TWAGAA have been a great support at every step of the publishing journey. I am looking forward to collaborate with them again for my other books!

        TWAGAA reignited my dormant passion for writing. They support writers by discussing the process in detail, and then follow up with language edits, designing, publishing and marketing. What a WoW experience!

        Our Self-Publishing Process

        Consultation & Registration

        Sign up by completing a simple form, and one of our book publishing consultants will contact you to discuss your book and provide you with the best proposal.

        Submission of Assets

        Submit your manuscript, illustrations, designs, and photos after setting expectations. We’ll review everything and be available for finalising the road map with you.

        Designing & Formatting

        We’ll start designing and formatting your book. We’ll stay in regular contact to address any queries during this phase.

        Review & Approval

        You will receive the final book interior and cover design for your review and approval. We understand there will be itertations before the final version is closed. We will be updating as share each draft for your review and approval.

        Pre-launch, Launch, Distribution & Fulfilment

        Your book will be forwarded for printing and distribution to worldwide platforms as paperback and eBook. We will help you with fulfillment for small as well as bulk orders.

        Marketing & Promotions

        We will create marketing content for your book and brand, including author or brand websites. We’ll connect you with associates to manage your social media and digital engagement. As a TWAGAA author, we’ll always be available to consult on your ongoing book or brand needs.

        Royalities & Support

        We will create marketing content for your book and brand, including author or brand websites. We’ll connect you with associates to manage your social media and digital engagement. As a TWAGAA author, we’ll always be available to consult on your ongoing book or brand needs.


        What is self-publishing?

        Self-Publishing is a model of book publishing where the author publishes his book either on his/her own, or engages a publisher who publishes the book on behalf of the author.

        How is self-publishing different from traditional-publishing?

        Traditional Publishers choose the book they wish to publish from the manuscripts submitted to them either directly by the author, or via the book agents. Traditional Publishers own the right to monetize the book through book sales and content licensing and in exchange, they give to the author pre-decided royalties on a defined frequency for book sales and licensing deals. A traditional publisher also has the right to edit, print, release, distribute, and market as they consider best.

        In self-publishing, the author does exactly what a traditional publisher does; however, the author commissions the publisher and is involved in each and every step of the life cycle of their book.

        Why would an author prefer self-publishing over traditional-publishing?

        There are many reasons for this decision. Read on.

        Accepting a book for publishing: Traditional Publishers may decline to publish your book but you believe in your book. A self-publisher will help you realize your potential. Self-Publishers do not decline to publish your book so long as publishing it doesn’t pose any risk to their entity.

        Rights to monetize the book: Traditional Publishers take full rights to monetize your book. As an author, you would like to retain many of these rights. Self-publishing allows you to be selective about rights you wish to give or keep or share with your publisher.

        Decision-making in the process of publishing the book: Traditional Publishers allow you limited access to decision-making through the life cycle of your book. Self-Publishers keep you involved throughout, you are in control.

        Time taken to publish your book: Traditional-Publisher will release your book as per their planned calendar. In self-publishing, you can decide when to release your book. Typically a traditional publisher, if they choose your book, takes 12 – 18 months to release a book. Self-Publishing allows you to publish the book in a matter of a few weeks.

        Printing & distributing your book: Traditional Publishers distribute the book where they believe they will do well. Today, publishing networks & systems, and technological advances & services allow you to distribute your book globally in multiple markets. A self_publisher will show you how to do so and keep the controls of printing & distribution in your hands.

        Printed copies: A traditional publisher prints in bulk batches. If your book sells well, they continue printing the next batch. If your book does not meet their sales expectation then your book is packed and you are tied down for the number of years you assign the rights of the book to the traditional publisher. Self-Publisher prints in small batches, even on-demand as and when an order comes (even a single copy), or in bulk, all in consultation and risk-sharing options with the author.

        Print Quality: Traditional Publishers do not allow you much leeway in choosing the specification in which your book will be printed. A Self-Publisher will share all options with you and then you can decide which printing specification is best for your book.

        Royalty Rates & Payments: In Traditional-Publishing the royalties are pre-decided, typically 6 to 10 % of the book’s price, which an author gets at a defined frequency from the publisher. In Self-Publishing, an author gets all the royalties. This typically is much higher than what an author will get in traditional publishing payable frequently, many times as frequently as once a month.

        Transparency: With most traditional publishers, getting the information on print numbers, sales, royalty disbursement, etc is as hard as looking through an opaque wall. You need to be patient for the information to be passed on to you. And you must trust that the information shared with you is true. With commissioned self-publishers, your experience is better but not necessarily always so.

        Surely traditional-publishing must be better than self-publishing in many ways too?

        Yes, of course. Traditional-Publishing has many pluses and big ones.

        Publisher Brand Value: Traditional Publishing has better brand value than self-publishing. Many people believe self-publishing to be vanity-publishing, a perception that is not easily hidden below the carpet.

        Upfront Financial Commitment: In Traditional Publishing, the author does not bear any financial cost. In Self-Publishing, the author bears all the costs of publishing.

        Retail Distribution: A good traditional publisher has its distribution network in place. In the hands of a good publisher, a very small niche in itself, your book gets distributed well in retail bookstores.

        How is pricing of the book decided?

        You decide the pricing of the book. We are here to guide you.

        The pricing (MRP / List Price) should add up for the following items:

        1. Printing Cost (depending on size, paper type, number of pages, binding type, special treatment, etc.)
        2. Distribution Fee (if your book is distributed by a distributor)
        3. Platform Fee (if your book is sold on a platform like Amazon, Online, etc.)
        4. Warehousing Fee (if the books are printed and stored with us. Not applicable for Print-on-Demand.)
        5. Packaging Fee (pack, label)
        6. Shipping Fee (via reliable courier partner)
        7. Service Fee (if you wish to outsource order fulfillment to us)
        8. Profit / Royalty (you share/earnings)

        Quite a few times, #2 and #3 are combined when distribution is involved.

        How transparent is payment of Royalty?


        You have a right to know about sales figures through multiple channels, the costs involved, and your earnings.

        At what frequency is royalty paid?

        We remit your royalty every quarter or subject to the payout crossing Rs 5000/-.

        In case you wish to receive your royalty earlier then you can ask us. We will try to pay your royalties earlier and even if the payout is less than Rs 5000/-. We take a cll on case to case basis depending on our work load and your need.

        Do authors get a discount on purchasing their book?

        Of course!

        The price of the book to you is calculated as follows:

        The pricing (MRP / List Price) should add up for the following items:

        1. Printing Cost (depending on size, paper type, number of pages, binding type, special treatment, etc.)
        2. Packaging Fee (pack, label)
        3. Shipping Fee (via reliable courier partner)
        4. Service Fee (if you wish to outsource order fulfillment to us)
        How can a author order their copies?

        Let us know your requirement over email. We will dispatch the books.

        What all is included in your Publishing Services?

        In our publishing services, we include either all of the items listed here or some customized services from the list from this many services mentioned here… YOU decide what you want from us. We are here to guide you so that you make the best decision.

        What is your Publishing fee?

        Check this page – TWAGAA Book Publishing Fee.

        Where will my book be printed?

        Subject to the type of book and your need for inventory or not, we will advise you where, how, and in which specs it is best to print your books.

        Where all will my book be distributed?

        Once again, we will discuss with you what’s best for your book and then we will help you accordingly.

        Your book can be made available in all or any selective channel mentioned below:

        • Your Amazon KDP account
        • Our Amazon KDP account
        • Your website
        • Our website
        • Your Sellercentral
        • Our Sellercentral
        • Your IngramSpark account
        • Our IngramSpark account

        Let us know if there are any other places you wish to list your book. We will help you to list on that platform.

        How many copies are printed upfront?

        Once again, do what works best for you. We can print in bulk or on-demand.

        We can print as few as 1 copy via the print-on-demand process, and process your order immediately.

        We also help you with warehousing in case you need to keep the inventory in a godown.

        Do you charge for warehousing & fulfilment?

        When you print-on-demand then there is no warehousing fee.

        In case you decide to print in bulk and keep the inventory with us, then there is no warehousing fee again.

        Only when you decide to keep the inventory with us, we charge a rental basis. ft. of space occupied by the inventory.

        For how long will my book be listed by you?

        The books are available for sale on the online distribution channels till the time you wish to continue to engage our services. There are no charges for any renewal. Once onboard, you get our services until the time you decide not to avail our services.

        Are there any on-going renewal or subscription charges?

        None :).

        What all is included in your Publishing Services?

        In our publishing services, we include either all of the items listed here or a few things from this many services mentioned here… YOU decide what you want from us. We are here to guide you so that you take a decision which is best for you.

        What is your Publishing fee?

        Check this page – Twagaa Book Publishing Fee.

        We like to keep things simple.

        Where will my book be printed?

        Subject to the type of book and the your need for inventory or not, we will advise you where, how and in which specs it is best to print your books.

        Where all will my book be distributed?

        Once again, we will discuss with you what’s best for your book and then we will help you accordingly.

        You book can be made available in all or any selective channel mentioned below:

        • Your Amazon KDP account
        • Our Amazon KDP account
        • Your website
        • Our website
        • Your Sellercentral
        • Our Sellercentral
        • Your IngramSpark account
        • Our IngramSpark account

        Let us know if there are any other places you wish to list your book. We will help you if we know how to list in that platform.

        How many copies are printed upfront?

        Once again, do what works best for you. We can print in bulk or on-demand.

        We can print as less as 1 copy via print-on-demand process, and process your order immediately.

        We also help you with warehousing in case you need to keep the inventory in a godown.

        Do you charge for warehousing & fulfilment?

        When you print-on-demand then there is no warehousing fee.

        In case you decide to print in bulk and keep the inventory on our end, then ther ei no warehousing fee again.

        Only when you decide to keep the inventory with us, we charge a rental basis the cu. ft. of space occupied by the inventory.

        For how long will my book be listed by you?

        The books are available for sale on the online distribution channels till the time you wish to continue to engage our services. There is no charges for any renewal. Once onboard, you get our services until the time you decide not to avail our services.

        Are there any on-going renewal or subscription charges?

        None, but we do accept tips if you feel generous :).

        What are the payment options for your Publishing Fee?

        At the start of work – 50%

        Balance on completion of work when the book is listed on our channels.

        In case your book is listed on your channels, balance is payable on approval from your end for listing the book.

        With you at every step of your publishing journey

        Get it touch with us

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